Sunday, May 10, 2009


I just graduated.... Now what? Procrastination, delaying the inevitable and Europe, that's what. Today has been a good and bittersweet day. I love this town.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Being unemployed can be serious. If someone has a mortgage on an apartment in southern Brooklyn, and they lose their job and can't get another one, unemployment checks aren't going to fill the gap and there's a high likelihood that they'll default on that mortgage and lose everything. There of course can be more serious instances of unemployment, especially when there are kids involved.

But unemployment, while frustrating and defeating, can also be benign--even an opportunity. Witness the guy in the picture above. I took this picture of a bloke in Berlin who apparently makes his buck by painting himself white and poses(?) as a drunkard. That's one way to go. Personally, I don't see the 'opportunity' in this photo. But then again, he's turning a dire situation into a money-making venture.

College graduates experience something different. For many of us, it is not necessary to find a job for the sake of survival. Sure, we'd like one, and it's nice for you to be wanted and your four-year bullshit degree to be acknowledged, but it's not absolutely necessary to be employed in the next 6-12 months.

And, really, this can be made into a positive.